miércoles, 19 de diciembre de 2012


Today's class, we started talking about the exam that we have to do in February if we want to pass the subject. In this one we will have to answer two kind of questions. Some of them will be theoretical and anothers will be practical. We hope to be so lucky as the guy that we can see on the right.

After that te teacher show us a powerpoint about learning strategies. Most of the contents were in spanish, althoung there were some in English too.

In the presentation we learnt about the different learning strategies by O'Malley:

Strategies which require planning for learning, thinking about the learning process as it is taking place, monitoring og one's production or comprehension, and evaluating learning after an activity is completed. Among the main metacognitive strategies, it is possible to include advance organizers, direceted attention, slective attention, self-management, functional plannin, self-monitoring, delayed production and self-evaluation.

Cognitive strategies are more limited to specific learning tasks and they involve more direct manipulation of the learning material itself. Repetition, resourcing, transaltion, grouping, note taking, deduction, recombination, imagery, auditory representation, key word, contextualization, elaboration, transfer, inferencing are among the most important cognitive strategies.

They are related with social-mediating activity and transacting with others.

When the teacher finished the presentation she gave us an activity in which we had to analyse to transcripts in terms of the information provided by the teacher to the pupils.

After that we played BINGO!!!! The day before the teacher sent us an e-mail explaining that we had to make some bingo cards to bring it today. Here you are some of the bingo cards that we made:

Finally in the practice lesson we had to do an activity in which we had to choose 3 activities from the Carol Read's 500 Activities for the Primary Classroom book and fill in a table for each activity. We had to upload the activity to the CV forum on "Learning strategies and learner independence". We want to share with all you the activity here too, we hope you like!.

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012


Today, the teacher started the classroom showing us reading resources. She has taught activities like this:

-Number activity

- Class objects activity
- Extraterrestrial activity (you have to write the dialogue)
- Yo-yo activity (listening and reading)

There are cognitive activities that have the difficulty to know which group to put it.

Then, teacher has explained teaching and learning writing.

The teacher should give feedback to improve their writing. She/he has to scaffold  the writing task.
  • Starting point --> conected text for a purpose and a reader.

  • Differents ideas about writing:
      -Graubert (1997) --> Consolidates and reinforces laguange.
      - Raimes (1983) --> Writing reinforces the grammatical structures.
      - Porte (1996) --> As writing involves finding the right way of expressing something.

Teaching of writing must aim at building the student's communicative potential to produce whole text:

Writing: struggle to convert                           Writing: linguistic                               Writing has a language
thoughts and ideas into language.                  experience --> need to take               potential: discover of how
                                                                    risks and experimental with                language works.
                                                                    the language.

Writing process 3 important question must be considered:
  • The content: what you are writing.
  • The addressee or reader: who you are writing to or for.
  • The purpose: why you are writing.

lunes, 10 de diciembre de 2012


Today we have started with Communicative Approach. Communicative Approach is focused on communication, it also promotes interaction and language items are selected on the basis of what the learner need to know in order to get things done through language (in order to perform linguistic functions).

We have also learn the difference between functions and forms:
  • Functions of languages are the purposes for which language is used.
  • Forms are the linguistic means through which functions are accomplished.
So, as teachers, how should we proceed when selecting the language to teach? Firstly we identify general functions and notions and then, we select linguistic forms to express those functions and notions.

Communicative Approach also uphold that you have to appropriate your language to the context.

And the last characteristic about Communicative Approach is that it should be guided by these principles:
  • The information gap principle.
  • The information transfer principle (from one format to another).
  • The correction for content principle.

Big mistakes are communication content mistakes, not linguistic mistakes. We not only have to be good at using proper linguistic content, we have to be able to use linguistic content accroding to the situation (social markers, politeness conventions...).

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012


Today, the teacher started the classroom showing us some of the bookmarks that we added in Diigo. The one that she chose was the next bookmark:


The name of this web is "SUPER EASY READING FOR ESL/EFL BEGGINERS". The activity chosen was horrible, because there were only a few sentences withouth cohesion. Another aspect was that there wasn't any graphic information about the sentences, and finally there wasn't a context, for example, the statments are talking about "he", but...who is he?. Here you are the activity:
13. His Imaginary Friend
He has an imaginary friend. He talks to his friend. His friend listens to him. His friend is smart. His friend is funny. His friend gives him advice. His friend goes everywhere with him. He and his imaginary friend are best friends. He is never alone. He is never lonely. His friend is always with him.

After that we saw some activities from the Sara Phillips' books: "Young Learners".

It was funny because we had to do the last activity and finally we corrected it in the digital board, and it was the first time that somebody had used it. In the activity we had to guess information about some people related to the floor of the flat where they live and the objects that they had lost. It was a funny challenge.

Then the teacher started to explain the different reading strategies that we have to teach our students.

After that we were talking about the text of "Diwali" and how children can get the meaning of words that they don't know yet.


After that we were watching some videos from the British Council web. Then we had to desing reading strategies acording  to a text that we had chosen.

Finally in the practice session we started a group activity. Firstly we have to choose a long text, and make six questions about it. Four of them have to develop higher order cognitive abilities and two of them lower-order cognitive skills. We also have to develop four activities to develope reading strategies.

That's all, have a nice long weekend!!!!!

lunes, 3 de diciembre de 2012


Today's class started with teacher asking about the second voicethread activity because some of our partners haven't made yet. After that she told us that we have to start to speak to ourself in english because is a great way to improve our fluency.

Then we made a questionnaire on the Taxonomy in which all students could participate simultaneously. After that we continue seeing the powerpoint of "AICLE // CLIL". In the next box you can see it.

During the exposure of the topic, the teacher made a stop and started  a questionnaire about AICLE. It was funny because sometimes some of us didn't know the answer so few people answered the questions.

After that the teacher showed us a "PREZI PRESENTATION",  this one was about "Claves, pautas y pistas metodológicas para la confección de una secuencia AICLE" by Alicia Ruiz Godoy.

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012


Until now, our experience as English students in primary school has not been very successful. That includes our experience improving reading skills. Generally speaking, our reading classes followed a similar structure, starting with an aloud text lecture (embedded in a weak context provided by the textbook) and a battery of questions, about content and/or questions with linguistic purposes (find verbs, synonyms…).

This approach is focused just on an intensive reading, and not on extensive reading, which fits more with the idea of reading a text with a communicative purpose, as we do it in real life, to get information from a text. To do so, we read guessing what’s next (jumping from word to word) and we do not concentrate in every single word on the text (we forget small words like in, and, so…), it is a lexical process.

The problem is that, for language learning we also need to focus on language, not only in text meaning. Therefore, we have to plan our lessons in a way that both kinds of reading are included, first with extensive reading, to get familiarized with the text (Top down questions), and then with an intensive reading focusing on language (Bottom-up questions).

Reading activities will have to be divided in three different stages:

-       Activities to do before reading the text, Pre-reading

-       Activities to do while reading the text, While-reading

-       Activities to do after reading the text, Post-reading

To begin with a question is always a good start, as it gives students a reason for reading. Questionnaires and debates are good options, in pre-reading and post-reading, always depending on how the teacher wants to lead the class.  Guessing games are a good example of while reading activities, like guessing the order of isolated sentences from text, or reading the first paragraph and guess what’s next…

It is essential that teachers become aware of the importance from the questions they prepare, as they should achieve higher cognitive levels to promote critical thinking (Bloom’s taxonomy).


sábado, 1 de diciembre de 2012


CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) is a relatively new language learning approach that involves content learning (from different subjects such as history, geography or science). It doesn't do without the specific L2 teaching, it complements it. Its methodolgy is its main characteristic. It appears as a consequence from our actual globalized world and the increase of our technologic dependence. To face this constant change we should invest in innovation, investigation and education.
This approach can be easily misunderstood, CLIL is not a FL lesson, neither content in a FL (this would just be as any lesson in a foreign school).
Cognition Communication  Content  Culture (CCCC)
Among its multiple benefits we could mention the amount of input, the meaningful context or the motivation that students achieve. But this will be able only if it is properly implemented.
We, as students of Primary Education, have a huge responsability, because we will be in charge of its right aplication and its succes, which will be proved in future years.
We would like to share a couple of links. In the first one you'll find a lot of interesting and motivating ideas of activities that you could adapt for CLIL lessons:

In the second link you will find plenty of information about clil in general (materials, different experiences, interesting information for teachers...)


We hope you'll find it usefull, ;)

"You cannot teach a language, only create the condition under which it might be learnded"
Von Humboldt 1898